Knowing and Understanding the Different Types of Depression

Learn how to differentiate between types of depression, signs, causes and treatment. This is the first step toward understanding depression, getting the appropriate treatment and taking that step.

Alcohol Depression
As the name implies, alcohol depression is the lows that follow periods of excessive drinking. Guilt, remorse, and shame play a huge part in this type of depression, and nothing short of a long period of sobriety can begin the alleviate it. With alcohol depression, the normal hangover is much more than not feeling well.

Anxiety Depression
Anxiety depression oftentimes is indicated by profuse sweating, shaky hands and voice. Persons suffering from anxiety disorder are generally pessimistic, always expecting the worse. They also tend to go through long periods of time where they are afraid to leave their homes or participate in social activities.

Bipolar Depression
This type of depression was formerly called manic depression. Bipolar depression occurs in cycles, hence the ‘bi’ in its name. Persons who are bipolar have changing periods of great sadness and immense joy.

Clinical Depression
This is when the depression reaches the stage where the person needs some sort of treatment. Clinical depression is a diagnosis and the result of the patient taking a depression quiz administered by a professional.

Major Depression
This type of depression is the most extreme. Almost all the symptoms of depression are exhibited. Major depression can occur suddenly or over time after a series of less intense depressive episodes. This is believed to be one of the most common types of depression.

Menopause and Depression
For many women, this period of change can be very stressful. Factors such as marital problems, empty nest (children leaving home) and loss of their reproductive abilities are all linked to women and menopause.

Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression affects about ten percent of new mothers. Although this type of depression follows the birth of a baby it does not mean that the woman hates or does not want her child. This type of depression results from a hormonal imbalance.

Pregnancy Depression
Although pregnancy is normally a period of great joy, about ten percent (10%) of pregnant women experience prolong periods of great sadness. Although hormones are a factor in pregnancy depression it is not the lone cause.

Psychotic depression
Persons who suffer from psychotic depression report hearing voices, seeing things and people that no one else can. At this stage, the person needs immediate medical attention.

Reactive Depression
This type of depression is normally a reaction to some specific trigger. In many instances this type of depression is short-term.

Seasonal Depression
Also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), seasonal depression is most common during the winter months when the days are darker. This is believed to be linked to lessening of sunlight leading to some people becoming sad. Most sufferers of SAD see their mood lighten and they become happier as spring arrives.

Severe Depression / Chronic Depression
This type of depression is also known as dysthymia.
Chronic depressions main feature is the fact that it lasts over a long period of time, from a few months to years. Persons who suffer from severe depression can appear to function normally for a long period of time although they tend to be perpetually sad.

Jonathan Sapling writes extensively on depression and related mental health issues.
To read more about depression go to his Depression Site
Or visit his blog about: Mental Health News

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