Forget Fighting Flu Symptoms Ever Again! How To Get Over Swine Flu By Not Getting It!

This time of year protecting yourself and family from catching the flu, is always of serious concern. Over half of the American population fall victim to at least one cold a year, and 40% succumb to the flu. A real flu scare develops very four or five years when a super flu arrives on the scene, and it’s usually becomes a problem world wide. This year appears to be that time, with predictions of a swine flu pandemic.

Once their flu shots have failed to prevent the flu, modern medicines back up plan is treat the symptoms of flu, and while I’d prefer not to elaborate on how to fight any particular strain of flu, the prevention and if required, immediate cure of the flu, is where I would prefer to place our focus. Dealing with this disease using harmful and sometimes toxic vaccines and chemical flu remedies as is the case with conventional medicine, is to say the least, counter productive.

Vaccines as they exist today represent many risk. They contain mercury and aluminum which are extremely toxic heavy metals. The dangers of being exposed to these substances include not only permanent brain damage but can also cause nerve and gland impairment. Just what every elderly person needs, a big shot of heavy metals for Christmas!

To add insult to injury, there are many experts who have serious doubts about the effectiveness of flu vaccines. For example the present swine flu is claimed to be a completely new strain of flu, which would mean the stock of millions of vials of flu vaccine made months if not years ago, would have no effect.

Before you make a trip to the pharmacy for a quick flu shot, do a little research yourself on the internet and see what you find out by typing in vaccine risks on the internet. Few people are aware of the fact that a vaccine doesn’t have to be proven effective before it can be distributed to the public!

The good news is that there is a dependable natural alternative to vaccines that are guaranteed to be loaded with heavy metals, which may not even work, or having to rely on harmful chemical medicines to treat the symptoms produced by a severe case of swine flu.

The holistic approach to disease is almost always the best, and when it comes to dealing with the flu this fact couldn’t be more true. The naturopathic position toward all illness is first and foremost to increase the ability of the immune system to deal with it, and to avoid anything that might deplete it. In addition to that there are many natural antivirals that are very reliable.

Of course you might be wondering, what if boosting your immune system and taking an antiviral doesn’t work, and you end up with the flu just the same? My answer would have to be, why not avoid the flu altogether if you can?

Fortunately there is some great news in this regard, as a new discovery in the world of holistic health has surfaced that eliminates all fear of any type of flu, no matter how severe a pandemic it might have created. It’s been appropriately named The Elemental Miracle because of it’s ability to protect and/or heal anyone from any viral threat. It’s a nontoxic mineral that you drink, after a three minute activation process using a natural catalyst.

There has never been an antiviral known that is able to do what this one does, as it hungrily steals the electrons from all viruses which forces them to implode, all without bothering any friendly molecules. It’s relentless in it’s behavior, and once it’s finished it’s meal it simply dissipates into salt and water molecules. One dose of this mineral is enough to protect a person for several days, but even if someone didn’t remember to take it and caught the flu, it has been seen to completely eradicate severe cases of swine flu in only twelve hours.

Yeah, I could hardly believe it either. Or maybe what’s going through your mind about now is, if this was for real everyone would know about it. There is a reason they haven’t but to explain it in full would take more room than there is in one article. To explain it in one sentence, it’s because this mineral can’t be patented and it’s so cheap and readily available, the drug monopolies are more afraid of it than they are interested. It’s a sad excuse I know, but money rules the world and they only care about one thing, profits. But at least now you know, so there is nothing stopping you and those you care about from taking full advantage of this, the Imperial Mother of all flu cures.

It truly is a universal miracle cure! Its unrelenting enthusiasm and the unique molecular makeup it possesses which empowers it to implode all viruses, bad bacteria, pathogens, fungi, yeast, mold, anaerobic poison cells, and parasites it comes across, makes it a one of a kind cure-all. It even wipes out weak and unhealthy cells, all without bothering any of the healthy ones.

Nothing takes over for the immune system the way this does! Why fight your own battles, when you can bring in mercenaries to fight them for you? What is the point in treating flu symptoms with other natural flu remedies when you can actually cure the flu with this? I can guarantee you I’ll never worry about another flu scare again. I’m so glad I got this opportunity to share this important news with you. I’m just doing what I can to get the word out. At least now you and your family won’t have to sweat the swine flu this year. Hopefully the predictions for the swine flu pandemic of 09, won’t be as bad as they say.

Jay Geary is a former organic horticultural consultant, who for over thirty years has devoted much of his time and energy in the study and practice of holistic health and natural healing. Learn more about holistic flu remedies by visiting his website at where he details hundreds of holistic alternatives for healing diseases of every description.

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