Melt Fat, Not Organs…

You can never be too careful when deciding what to put in your body…

And just because something is recommended by doctors does NOT guarantee it’s safe…

[This is safe, all natural and melts fat…]

NOT everything is though…

DNP (2,4 dinitrophenol) is a perfect example.

DNP was an industrial chemical widely used in munitions factories in the early 1900’s. In the 1930’s, some brilliant Stanford doctors pioneered the use of this chemical for weight loss. They observed many factory workers who dealt with this chemical lost weight.

They also noticed some of these workers DIED too…

But as arrogant Ivy League doctors…they thought they could prevent any deaths by closely monitoring their patients. As you might imagine, things quickly spiraled out of control.

This drug was so dangerous, the FDA banned its sale in the U.S. in 1938.

Fast forward to 2012…

UK resident Sean Cleathero died within 8 hours of consuming DNP. He had a fever of 107 degrees, essentially “cooking” his organs. Probably not a pleasant way to go…

But here’s the worst part…

This fatal drug was sold to Sean as a weight loss supplement at his local gym…

He might not have known what he was consuming.

The moral of this story…

Be smart and do your homework when deciding what supplements to put in your body.

Look at the facts…look at the current research out there. And NEVER ignore dangerous side effects…

If you’re looking for a SAFE fat burning alternative, [then you need to look at this.]

Also known as palmitoleic acid, this is a member of the omega fatty acid family, a “cousin” of the well known Omega 3 fatty acid.

This powerful nutrient reduces obesity, lowers triglycerides, and may even help lower heart disease risk.

AND… you don’t have to worry about it “cooking you alive”.

In fact, no major side effects have been reported.

[Click here to see why people struggling with weight are “singing the praises”] of this incredible compound.

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